

阅读次数:     日期:2022-10-26











2011.07 - 至今  宁夏大学化学化工学院 讲师 副教授 教授

2005.9-2010.7  四川大学化工学院化学工艺专业(硕博连读),博士学位

2001.9-2005.7  四川大学化工学院化学工程与工艺专业,工学学士






[1] Y. Chen, W. Wang, X. Liu, X. Duan*, Y. Ren*, Nanocapsules Induce in Situ Grafting of Polyelectrolytes and Structural Rearrangement of Polyamide Layers, Chemical Engineering Science, 2025, 121437

[2] Y. Chen, X. Liu, R. Zhang, W.  Wang, H. Wang; Y. Ren,* X. Duan*, Engineering mineralized interlayers for enhanced nanofiltration: synergistic modulation of polyamide layer structure and catalytic self-cleaning performance , Journal of Membrane Science, 2025, 713,123319

[3] Y. Chen, X. Liu, R. Zhang, W. Wang, H. Wang,Y. Ren*, X. Duan*, Engineering mineralized interlayers for enhanced nanofiltration: synergistic modulation of polyamide layer structure and catalytic self-cleaning performance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2025, 713,123319

[4] Y. Chen, X. Liu, W. Wang, X. Duan*, Y. Ren*, Crosslinking mineralized interlayer engineering of in situ self-cleaning nanofiltration membranes based on polyethylene substrates, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025,504,158926

[5] X. Li, J. Wang, X. Duan, Y. Ren*, Electrochemically enhanced hydrophobic modification of La-doped PbO2 anode by peroxymonosulfate for ceftazidime removal, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024,12,114826

[6] Y. Chen, G. Wu, H. Xue, Y. Ren*, X. Duan. Engineering nanofiltration membranes based on a two-step modification process with enhanced antifouling and salt separation performance. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024,  330,125546

[7] J. Wang, X. Duan, Y. Ren*. Efficient electrochemical degradation of ceftazidime by Ti3+ self-doping TiO2 nanotube-based Sb-SnO2 nanoflowers as an intermediate layer on a modified PbO2 electrode. Chemosphere, 2024, 356, 141853

[8] R. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Wang, X. Duan, Y. Ren*. A Janus membrane with silica nanoparticles interlayer for treating coal mine water via membrane distillation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024,  350,127995

[9] J. Li, Y. Chen, R. Zhang, H. Wang, Y. Ren*, Y. Ma*. Study of the fouling behavior of typical inorganic-organic foulants in silicates-bearing mine wastewater on reverse osmosis membrane. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024,12,113117

[10] J. Li, Y. Chen, H. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Ma, Y. Ren*, Investigation of the effect of phosphonate antiscalants on the reverse osmosis membranes’ permeation and desalination performance in mine wastewater treatment process, Journal of Water Process Engineering,2024,68,106310

[11] Y. Chen, R. Zhang, G. Wu, J. Li, Y. Ren*, X. Duan*. Thermodynamic mechanism insights into the dynamic evolution of nanofiltration membrane fouling: effect of calcium ion on organic fouling. Desalination, 2023,568,117036

[12] S. Zhao, Y. Chen, G. Wu, J. Li, Y. Ren*, X. Duan*. Investigation On Nanofiltration Membrane Fouling Behaviour Of Cation-Induced Apam In Strontium-Bearing Mine Water, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023,11,110940

[13] S. Chen, S. Wang, Y. Suo, G. Yang, Y. Du, Y. Ren*. Inhibition effect of tannic acid and sodium molybdate for the flow corrosion of 304 stainless steel on 90° elbow, Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2022, 20,2408-2420

[14] Y. Du, G. Yang, S. Chen, Y. Ren*. Research on the erosion-corrosion mechanism of 304 stainless steel pipeline of mine water in falling film flow, Corrosion Science, 2022,206,110531

[15] G. Yang, Y. Du, S. Chen, Y. Ren*. Effect of secondary passivation on corrosion behavior and semiconducting properties of passive film of 2205 duplex stainless steel,Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2021,15,6828-6840.

[16] Y. Suo, S. Chen, Y. Ren*. Research on the Influence of Polyaluminum Chloride and Benzotriazole on Membrane Fouling and Membrane Desalination Performance, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9(6), 106676

[17] Y. Suo, Y. Ren*. Research On The Mechanism Of Nanofiltration Membrane Fouling In Zero Discharge Process Of High Salty Wastewater From Coal Chemical Industry. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 245,116810

